What Couldn’t You Do Without
Tell me sissy, what one piece clothing couldn’t you do without? If you were stranded on a desert island, with nothing but one piece of sissy attire, what would it be? What would make you feel feminine and girly and make everything okay?
Would it be a nice pair of silky, lacy panties? So you could slide them up your tanned legs, and feel the softness against your sissy clit? We’ll even bend the rules a bit and you can have a bra and panty set! Maybe you’d rather have some thigh highs, rubbing against your legs all day and all night. There’d be a bunch of you who’d love to put on a corset, or some other piece of sexy lingerie – like a lace teddy or a silk peignoir.
Then of course, there are you sissy shoe sluts. You’d just need to take your high-heeled stiletto pumps with you. You could just lie on the beach, because you certainly wouldn’t be able to walk around in them. You see, a pair of strappy sandals would work much better. Dette er jokere som vil legge seg til Jokerstablene som finnes pa hjulene, og det er dermed duket for jokerparty pa Treasure Island!Vi advarte deg om at dette var en spilleautomat som hadde utrolig mye a by pa, og det vil du i hvert fall finne ut av hvis du prover automaten selv.. Those feet would just have to stay au naturel though – no pedicures or nail polish. Although the sand would certainly keep them smooth and callus free!
Of course, some of you would just eschew clothing all together. You’d take your big, black dildo, wouldn’t you? I’ll bet you couldn’t bear to be away from cock for more than a few days. Whether it’s filling your mouth, or your ass pussy, that thick hard dick would make you feel safe and secure, wouldn’t it?
There’s one more thing you’d better remember – a satellite phone! You wouldn’t want to be out of contact from your Feminzation Mistress, Ms. Delia, for very long!
Mistress Delia now i am so confused as which one to take!
At first i was thinking a nise sexy nighty would be just perfect to get my sissy sleep with every night!If you allowed me a bra and panty set with then it be shear heaven to sleep in and wear every day! 🙂
But then you said the migic word, “COCK!” I would go compltely sissy crazy without “COCK!”
So my one choice to take with me if marooned would have to be my 8″ x 4″ dildo with the suction cup on the end to try to mount everywhere and anywhere to do some sucking with to keep me happy! 😉
But if i had the phone i could call you up and be rescued by you! 😉
For me it’s either my bra or sheath pink or black dress.
Delia, how did you ever come up with Marooned sissy? So silly.
I cant decide what i would bring. LBD maybe, but without shoes? I mean….
But if is just one thing…dildo! haha i said it
But really need three at least–strappy pumps LBD AND dildo. am i alone on the island?
Should I bring a GF or a man, tough one
I want all the clothes and a girl friend to talk to and man to… well you know.
And clothes and shoes and accessories, etc
I actually would NOT do well on an island.
oh Empress Delia there are so many things a sissy needs…chastity, guidance, humiliation, lacy panties, thigh highs, heels and of course a big, juicy cock…OMG, that’s not very ladylike…i would have to say panties because a sissy ALWAYS wears panties 🙂
Oh kendra!
I agree there is so much a sissy needs 😉 I am so glad a big, juicy cock is on your list!! You go my sex queen sissy!
Ms. Delia
Hi lisa!!
It really is a predicament to think of a poor, marooned sissy! I think you would need a little black dress for sure, but then there are pumps, and maybe those noises from far away mean a village full of hunky men!! Go find out, lisa!
😀 Ms. Delia
For you I think it would have to be your travel bag…loaded with that wardrobe I need you in 🙂
Ms. Delia
Hi slf!!
I think your response was the most creative, lol. Of course a phone so you could call me! That would even allow me to send the cocks over to rescue you…once you sucked them all!
🙂 Ms. Delia
Mistress Delia even better to have you send me some “Trophy Cocks” to suck while on the phone with you! 🙂
Then once i am home safely you could keep sending me them “Trophy Cocks” to suck for you while you watch me on my Cam as you give me orders and Dominate and Humiliate me as only you can do! 😉
To be the best Sissy Cock Sucker i cam be i always try to follow what i call:
4 Blow Job Rules For Sissies
Rule #1:There is no convenient place.
It doesn’t matter where and when.If i hear the words “SUCK IT BITCH!” i will give head without a second thought.
Even in public.If my Mistress or Man wants to have some fun it’s my duty to entertain my Mistress or Man.
It maybe a good morning blow job in the bath or mid-day fun time in a public restroom.
As a Sissy Cock Sucker i will kneel down and “SUCK MY MISTRESSES STRAP-ON OR MY MANS COCK!”
Hope you like the 1st rule and i will post Rule #2 with my next reply to you! 😉
Mistress, I think, I could get all that I want, if I take my bikini top and bottoms! I could probably find something on the island to use for make up! No need for a dildo because, i’m sure all the guys marooned with me, would soon start using me, for sexual pleasure!
vanessa, I agree that the men would be using you soon enough! You are a pleasure toy for sure!
Ms. Delia
I LOVE your rules! SUCK IT BITCH is certainly a HOT one!!
Ms. Delia